Effortless Applewatch

Dark haired lady wearing glasses and a dark v neck top. On her left arm she is wearing an applewatch with a white strap.

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So I’ve now had my Watch a month and the best way I can describe it is ‘Effortless.’

When I first got it all in its beautiful packaging it felt like Christmas again, all thanks to the Molly Watt Trust’s GlobalGiving Project.

I was chosen as one of the first to trial this idea and wow I’m very thankful!

I Have Usher type 2 so born partially Deaf and now slowly losing my sight due to Retinitis Pigmentosa, that is Usher Syndrome.

I’m pretty much the worst for missing calls or notifications and emails simply because I don’t hear the pings and don’t see until I check myself usually just before bedtime.

Well since this lovely piece of tech came into my life that is now a thing of the Past….

‘Haptic’s where have you been all my life?’

So when I first got this all set up, I adjusted the font and display and synced to my IPhone 6, I turned Haptic’s up and volume down ( I’m higher tone deaf so no point for me as I wont hear it) I was well away.

I downloaded some apps such as my Bank and Email also Around Me so I could use it with Maps to use as a walking Sat Nav, also BBC news app.

All of these worked well for me the At a Glance I found really useful as well as the Call Feature as when I’m on a bus or the school run it isn’t ideal with Guide dog in one hand, child in the the other so now in an emergency with just a quick click and a tap or even a ‘hey Siri Call…’ at my wrist I could call for help without being at risk. That was a huge biggie for me.

However for me there is one very big FAIL!  It is not the fault of Apple or the Applewatch but my hearing aids, they do not work with Bluetooth, no connectivity so I can’t hear directly to my ear so I found myself holding my wrist right up to my ear looking abit ‘James Bond esk’ but not a great feeling trying to juggle everything child, dog and school bags it was abit of a pain but as I say not Apple’s fault but the Oticon spirit Zest hearing aids supplied by the NHS so no perks which a real shame as I feel I could probably gain a whole different view had I had the right equipment.

Any way a month down the line the applewatch feels great it’s amazingly light and easy to forget it’s on my wrist until I get the helpful Haptic’s reminder of something in my calendar or emails, and even to navigate to somewhere new, very useful In busy town centres when I just need to go from A to B without scanning around which causes terrible eye strain and headaches, Applewatch has helped stop this, no more scanning just relying on a simple tap or taps on my wrist enabling me to simply direct my guide dog left or right accordingly.

Pretty awesome and effortless for me, my daughter likes the drawing bit in the contacts with those who also have the watch she thinks its magic and cool.

I know I have a lot more to learn about my Applewatch and I’m sure in the coming months I will have more to report.

I’m feeling more confident and independent and feel with this technology and my guidedog I can become ever more independent, maybe a part time job soon.

The only snag I have are these ‘prehistoric’ hearing aids. Having hearing aids with full comaptibility would be absolutely awesome, I guess a girl can dream!

That said I love my new watch, it is more than a watch and whoever developed Haptics – Thank you life is definitely a little easier. 

I want to say Thank you to to the MWT Global Giving project for this awesome gift!

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